Friday, July 14, 2006

Sony Ad Racist?

Check out the seriers of ads here:

People who don't realize what this is are truly living examples of how stupid society has become.

There are several elements to this ad to be addressed.

The concept of the ad is cool, but because of the HISTORY involved with whites
dominating blacks, it makes the ad seem racist. And that's the whole point.
It's obviously doing its job: creating a buzz, getting people to talk. Nothing
but a racey ad will get people to actually take time to compose thoughtful blogs about this, spark debate and communication, (something the ad agency they hired
will claim was their point) this is the kinda ad that exposes the all idiots who haven't a
clue about what racism is, but THINK they do.

Sony can apologize for running the ad all they want, they couldn't care less.
You think this will hurt sales? The profits from this 'controversy' and attention this has caused will far outstretch the money they'll lose form people boycotting their products. What, you think they didn't do some number crunching? That their
marketing team was that stupid? Ninja, please.

The apology and pulling the ad is all a part of it. Then social groups and
activists will congratulate them on admitting that they did wrong not realizing
that it was all part of the plan.

Congratulations on a scam well done Sony.

It's the a$$holes who always get the last laugh.

PS: There are three parts to this ad as far as I know. One is on equal ground
(and if that would ghave been the ad there would be no-or little-'controversy')
the second is of the white model grabbing the black nmodel's aface, theird is
the black model over her as if she threw the white model (still clutching her face) to the ground) this is the first time I've seen the series of adverts together.
It's actually @#!!*&^%$ hilarious. Take the history away and look at it as the colurs-not the people-battling it out and it's just visually stunning.


Blogger Blog Monkey said...

no biggie. the third one shows the white lady getting lashed, but i guess you just can't be grabbing a black lady's face these days.

i think it objectifies women more than commenting on race, myself. you see, if it was men, there would be a lot bigger brouhaha...

10:28 AM  
Blogger DaProkah said...

True, and I alsop noticed that the white girl's a hottie, the sister is a plain Jane. They'd never get someone of HJelle Berry or Naomi Campbell calibre in there

8:27 PM  

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