Yes, Mr. Nazi Priminister
Prepare for woesome times as gays won't live in matrimony and pot will still be as bad as coke or the next big thing in Montreal-according to Cali- Crystal Meth.
Funny How Harper ( too close to Harpy 4 my tastes) is against gay marraige, yet for the next few years he'll be taking it thick from Bush (even more ironic)
I couldn't believe a word that dribbled from Primesinister Worn n' Worried, but at least he was semi-liberal thinking. Layton's wutev and so's the Bloc, but I'm glad that the Green Party got somewhere...kinda.
This new Conservative-led America Jr. will stab itself, licking wounds for awhile after the dust of pestilence settles. Should be an interesting few years-if we last that long.
Congratulations Canada. you got what you deserved.